Types of Mold Sickness Caused by Mold Exposure: What Do You Need to Know? Molds are not just a natural and normal part of the environment, these microscopic fungi also, in fact, serve the crucial f...
Should You Be Leary of Ozone Generator Manufacturers? Marketing is an art, and just like any other form of art, a thoughtful, well-planned marketing campaign can be very powerful. Many manufacturer...
Relative Humidity: What Is It and What’s the Right Level for Your Home? If you suffer from chronic respiratory conditions, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or all...
PM 2.5: What Is It and How Can You Minimize Your Exposure? There’s a new buzz term that’s been circulating in the world of science and health lately: PM 2.5. It’s the topic of a l...
How Should You Deal with Christmas Tree Allergies? An estimated 77 percent of American households celebrate the winter holidays by bringing a Christmas tree into their homes. In this day and age, t...
Examining the Benefits of Salt Lamps: Do Himalaya Salt Lamps Purify the Air and Slow Mold Growth? Himalayan salt lamps are so ubiquitous — in homes, but also in yoga studios, restaurants, and...
Do N95 Face Masks Offer Effective Protection Against Wildfire Smoke? Wildfires are an increasing threat in many different parts of the globe, including some parts of the United States. Areas with a...
Do Air Purifiers Effectively Combat Tobacco Smoke? Did you know that the air quality in your home is likely to be between two and five times poorer than the air quality outdoors? No matter who you ...
What’s the Best Air Purifier for Mold and Mildew? The spores of microscopic organisms are floating all around us. They’re literally everywhere, floating through the air outside, in your...
What’s the Best Air Purifier for Battling Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)? There’s no doubt that you want your home to be as clean as possible, but no matter how often you clean your ...
Common Molds That You May Be Allergic To Americans are regularly exposed to dozens of different mold species, both outside and within buildings. Not all molds pose a risk to human health, but those...
Can a Humidifier Help With Allergy Symptoms? Dry indoor air can exacerbate the symptoms of existing allergies, as well as mimicking allergy symptoms as your airways and nasal passages become dry an...
Are There Effective Ways to Remove Musty Smells from Your Home? Have you been noticing a musty, stale odor wafting throughout your home? Have you opened your windows to try and air the space out, s...
Are You Allergic or Sensitive to Pet Dander, or Could Other Allergens be to Blame for Your Symptoms? Sixty-seven percent of American households have at least one pet. Although many families include...
Black Mold 101: Is Black Mold Dangerous and What are the Signs of Exposure? The two words every homeowner dreads hearing are “black mold”, and for good reason: there has been a lot of s...
Apartment Living: What Threats to Indoor Air Quality Should Apartment Dwellers Know About? With raised awareness of the fact that indoor air pollutant can pose a significant health risk, more and m...
Allergy Capitals of the United States: What Are the Worst Places to Live with Seasonal Allergies? Somewhere between 10 and 30 percent of American adults struggle with allergic rhinitis — more...
What are The Pros and Cons of HEPA Air Filtration? From air purifiers to vacuum cleaners, HEPA filters have become all the rage these days. Short for High-Efficiency Particulate Air, these filters ...
10 Reasons to Get a Mold Inspection MI&T has performed thousands of inspections and have been called in to test for mold for a variety of reasons. This is our list or top 10 reasons peopl...
Attic Mold Growth Mold Growth in an Attic Many of our clients come to us because they are concerned about mold growing in their attic. Many times a general home inspector does a visual inspe...
Free Mold Inspection Contest How to Win a Free Mold Inspection from MI&T. This weekly contest is primarily to help people who cannot afford our service or are going through hards times. It does...
Crawlspace Mold Growth Mold in a Crawlspace Many people call us because they believe they have a problem with mold in a crawlspace. Since a crawlspace is generally a dark and humid area with...
Mold Test Kit Many people turn to a Mold Test Kit found at a local hardware store like Home Depot, Lowes, or numerous online retailers in an effort to figure out problems that are happeni...
Expert Mold Witness A common question that is asked from people who anticipate being involved in a law suit from a mold problem, is can we be an expert witness in court? The answer to...
What to do if Your Home Inspector finds Potential Mold Growth? If you are in the process of buying or selling a home and your Home Inspector found potential mold, it can be quite concerning. If...
Hurricane Sandy Mold Problems After Super Storm Sandy subsided, many homes were left in ruins. Many homes near the eye of the storm were completely destroyed beyond recognition. Other homes and...
Is Mold Dangerous? If you are looking for an answer to this question, you’ve probably seen something on the internet or perhaps the news warning you about the dangers of mold. It might seem l...
Is Your Company Licensed? MI&T | Mold Inspection & Testing operates within all state and federal regulations on mold. Unfortunately there are very few states that actually have regulations ...
Florida Mold Assessor Mold Inspection & Testing | MI&T operates within the laws of the Florida Department of Business Regulations. This means that we only use license Florida mold asses...
Texas Mold Consultant Licensed Texas Mold Assessment Company Mold Inspection & Testing is a licensed Texas mold assessment company, licensed under our legal business name Envir...
Black Mold Need help with Black Mold? See all of our Local Certified Mold Inspectors. What is Black Mold or Stachybotrys? Mold growth in general is a type of Fungi that pr...
Air Quality Problems in Vehicles: Do You Need an Air Purifier for Your Car? As awareness of indoor air quality problems grows, more and more people are installing air purifying systems within their...
Free Mold Inspection This is a question that we have to answer on a regular basis. While we take pride in helping people and getting them answers to questions they have about mold, MI&...
Cleaning Mold with Bleach A common practice and misconception is that Cleaning Mold with Bleach is a good idea and will get rid of your problem. All too often when talking with potential custom...
Cleaning Mold with Vinegar Here at MI&T, we recommend Cleaning Mold with Vinegar on hard, non-porous surfaces. Tile, counter-tops, glass, and other hard/flat materials that have surface mol...
“My Landlord Won’t Fix My Mold Problem” Over the years, one of the re-occuring situations that we see is landlords and tenants having disputes over mold. Both landlords and tenant...
Mold in House Do you have mold in your house? YES! Truth is, everybody has mold in their house. In fact, mold spores are in the air all around us everywhere we go. However, certain dangerous...
Mold in Basement If your home has a basement or partially underground living space, it can help to learn the ins and outs of mold problems in these areas. While a basement can be amentiy to hav...
Mold in Bathroom Do you think that you have mold in your bathroom? Are you worried that it might be dangerous and negatively impacting your indoor air quality? Whether or not you should be c...
Mold on Clothes and/or Shoes Mold Growing on Clothes and Shoes It may surprise you to know that one of the most common complaints we hear is mold has started growing on my clothes and shoes. Thi...
Mold Remediation | Mold Removal A mold remediation project is something that might be small enough to handle on your own or requires professional intervention. Costs range from the price of som...
Mold Removal Scams One of the main reasons MI&T was founded was due to the abundance of illegitimate restoration companies trying to perform mold removal scams. We understand the ...
Mold Sickness Experiencing Mold Sickness can be an unpleasant experience. Not only because of the symptoms that you could have but also for the doubt of others that you may encounter. Experi...
Mold Sniffing Dogs: Gimmick and Cruelty to Animals Everyone here at Mold Inspection & Testing considers themselves animal lovers. So much so that I actually feel bad that it took us s...
Mold Symptoms Mold Symptoms can vary from mild to severe. There are two different types of toxic mold symptoms that we want to address in this article. First is those experienced by humans, and als...
Sick Building Syndrome Sick Building Syndrome is a name that has causes hair-scratching confusion for those who have not heard of it before. Huh? A building can be sick? The office building I s...
Mold Testing Info All of our inspections include Mold Testing in order to determine if the property in question has elevated levels of mold or not, confirm the source of a problem, and to see h...
Mold Inspection & Testing Yelp Reviews If you are doing your due diligence on our company and are looking for reviews, specifically on the website Yelp!, we regret to inform you that you wi...
Other Mold Resources Mold Inspection & Testing is dedicated to educating people on mold and its impact on indoor air quality. Below we have placed links to various other places that have great ...
Hotel Mold If you’ve ever stayed in a hotel that had a strange smell or felt extremely humid and damp, there is a chance the the room you were staying in had a hotel mold problem. Most of...