• 855-600-6653
Mold Inspection and Testing

Cleaning Mold with Bleach

Cleaning Mold with Bleach

A common practice and misconception is that Cleaning Mold with Bleach is a good idea and will get rid of your problem. All too often when talking with potential customers over the phone, they tell us that they tried to Kill mold with Bleach only for it to come back. This isn’t a coincidence, and hopefully after reading this article you will have a better understanding of why it doesn’t work and realize their are in fact better alternatives out there.

Bleach (Sodium Hypochlorite) is an extremely efficient chemical at killing bacteria. Many people swear by it and refuse to use anything else when it comes to cleaning. It is no surprise that these same people would turn to their beloved cleaner in hopes it will take care of their mold problem. For hard, porous surfaces like counter tops, tile, and metals bleach works wonders. Problem is that the mold that usually grows on those types of surfaces is of the non toxic variety and/or simply a bi-product of the much bigger issue that is going on within a property.

When it comes to cleaning non-porous surfaces like wood, drywall, and concrete bleach is NOT the answer. Mold’s hyphae structure actually grows into these building materials very much like a tree’s roots. Bleach’s structure prevents it from penetrating these cracks and crevices where the mold is deep rooted. The end result of trying to clean mold with bleach is getting a clean surface and a false sense that the problem is gone only for it to come back in full force over time. In fact, since most people use a solution/mix with water, using bleach can actually help the mold grow by supplying it the water it survives on.

Another problem that bleach presents is the possible destructiveness it presents to not only the surface you are putting it on, but also the person using it as a cleaning product. Anyone who has used bleach before can attest to its extremely pungent odor. The vapors it releases can be very harsh/irritating on a person’s skin, eyes, and lungs; this is especially true if it is mixed with other chemicals like ammonia to increase its effectiveness. You run the risk of damaging the structural integrity of material like sheetrock and wood.

So what is a better solution for cleaning mold? Well if the mold is on a non-porous surface, we recommend cleaning mold with Vinegar. We also inform people about Biocide and Anti-Microbial Products for cleaning both porous and non-porous surfaces. If you are unsure of where your problem is coming from or how it should be cleaned, a mold inspection may be needed. The experts at MI&T can both answer any questions you have about mold, but also determine what needs to be done via testing. Give us a call at 855-600-6653 for more information, we serve all of the following metro areas.

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